A Weekend Away with Your Youthgroup

 In Ontario Christian Camps

A weekend away with your youth group can propel their faith and save its importance in their lives. Here on the visually beautiful grounds of Countryside Camp, through messages, woraship and games, lives are changed every rental weekend. With the evergreen forests surrounding the spacious camp grounds, your youth group will enjoy God’s splendor through the preserved nature and unobstructed views of the night skies.

For teens struggling with school or family issues, a Christ-centred retreat within a secluded enviornment is what they need to refresh and revitalize themselves for their daily pursuit of Christ in the “real world”.While making new friends, youth retreats and summer camp have helped students discover God’s calling in their lives and has helped engage them in their devotion to following the Lord. Intimate and personal, the conversations that are held between students and leaders at a retreat are defining moments for both the adults and the teenagers. The reason behind this is that the youth open up about their lives and the going ons of it, and the leaders can show their love for the teens through discussing what the Bible says, sharing their testimonies and by praying for them. In this manner, life-long friendships and Godly mentorship begin their escalation.

Inviting a “visitor”- a new students in the youth group- to a youth event can be a game changing decision. One of the students in the youth group I help out at had been coming out on youth nights for about a month now. Recently, my church decided to have a retreat with a few other churches ar Countryside Camp. Unfortunately, I had prior commitments that weekend so I could not attend. However, when I volunteered that Sunday at youth group, the usually quiet “visitor” was engaging in conversation frequently, being completely comfortable with the enviroment and the people in such a setting. A similar thing occured a year hence at a similar event held at Countryside Camp. Once again, the power of the Lord, Christian community and His beautiful creation worked their wonders. The son of a new pastor came to youth nights before this retreat, but because of the acceptance he experienced at this event, he started coming out every week to attend and to help with the sound during worship.

Our busy lives call of a break or even an extended Sabbath, and that is why, with the increase of homework, relationships and troubles our youth face daily, a weekend getaway focused on Jesus, the soultion for those hardships, is what they need. Fellowship is the point of the church, and for an up-and-coming Christian, a close-knit “vacation” will aid them in drawing closer to their Creator, creating new Godly friendships and resting in the peace that God gives freely.

“Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. “take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. “For My yoke is easy, and My load is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 SHALOM

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