Day Camp FAQs

What are the drop off and pickup times?

Drop off is between 8:30 and 9:00am

Pickup is between 4:00 and 4:30pm

Extended care is available until 6pm for an additional $50 fee.

Is there a Nurse at the Camp?

Every summer Camp Shalom employs two Healthcare Coordinators who are required to have the qualifications of an upper year nursing student or similar. At least one is present on camp property at all times.

How do I register for Camp Shalom?

To register for Camp Shalom, please go to our online registration page.

I am worried about my campers safety. How can I be sure he or she will be safe?

Camp Shalom is committed to making your loved one’s stay at camp as safe as possible. We have emergency procedures in place for situations like severe injuries, tornados, fires, or emergency situations. There are also two Health Care Coordinators on staff, and we have qualified NLS lifeguards at the pool and at the kayaking pond. We are one of the few summer camps who require staff to participate in a two-week staff training time. We have a local doctor whom we can call if our healthcare staff has any questions, and we are able to get same-day appointments if necessary. In emergencies we are a fifteen-minute drive away from the hospital.

We believe that providing your loved one with the best summer camp experience possible rests heavily on our having the best summer staff possible. Our staff members are hired based on their spiritual testimonies, demonstrated life experiences, current qualifications, and clear criminal records checks. Each year we take great pride in the quality of our summer camp staff. Campers are supervised at all times by a staff member, whether that is at the pool, during free time, or at other activities like canoeing or the waterslide.

Still not sure? We would be happy to give you a private tour and answer any questions you may have.

Book a Private Tour

What exactly does the Camp teach?

Each year Camp Shalom has a different theme for the focus of its Bible studies and chaplains’ messages. This theme is different every year, but the overall and most important message is the same: that God created us, loves us, and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. We are saved by grace through faith, and we can have a personal relationship with God.

How do I cancel?

Call or email the office and talk to Kim at 1-888-226-7722 x1x1. There is a $10 non-refundable deposit for all kids’ overnight and day camp programs. Cancellations made after May 15th are subject to a 50% fee.

Is extended care available?

Yes, if you need to pick up your campers later than 4:30pm, we offer extended care until 6pm. Extended care is available for an additional $50 fee per week.

What should I pack?

Click Here for a printable packing list.

What are my payment options?

Payment Options
1) Pay in full by Visa or Mastercard
2) Monthly payment plan (non-refundable deposit + installments) by Visa or Mastercard.
3) Register now and mail in a check later (Special needs programs only).

What kind of food does Camp serve? What is the menu?

Click here for a sample menu.

Camp Shalom is able to accommodate for dietary needs, including but not limited to, gluten free, dairy free, vegan, other allergies, etc.

Don’t see your question here? Contact Us.