Looking for Adventure?

We believe that each of our guests are capable of learning new things and deserve to have new experiences. This program is designed to accommodate our higher functioning guests who are looking for more of a challenge than our larger Special Support program has to offer. Because of the smaller group in this program, we are able to tailor each week to the specific abilities and interests of the campers that week. Campers will have the opportunity to sleep out in a tent, try outdoor cooking, hike, canoe and bike, all while experiencing God’s beautiful creation. One of the highlights of this program is a day-long canoe trip down the Grand River. Let our qualified staff lead you at your own pace to make this an adventure of a lifetime! This program fills up every year so register early.

Age: 18 years and up
Cost: $1350
July 6-11, July 20-25, Aug 3-8 and Aug 10-15, 2025

Am I eligible for a Special Support program?

Individuals with low needs may attend Special Support Camp, Spec Trek, Spec Sports or Spec Arts. Unfortunately, Camp Shalom is not able to support individuals with high needs. Below is a chart that we use to determine if our programming is suitable for your particular needs. If we are unable to provide the support you require and you would still like to come to camp, you are invited to bring your own support worker to camp for the week in order to assist you. The Cost is $50 to bring a support worker. Support workers must be at least 16 years old. If you have any further questions please contact Adrian.

Criteria Low Needs (All Programs) High Needs (Not Offered)
1. The guest requires adult briefs No Yes
2. Requires support/direction while bathing Minimal Hand-over-Hand or 1:1
3. Requires support/direction while dressing Minimal Hand-over-Hand or 1:1
4. Requires support/direction at mealtime Minimal Hand-over-Hand or 1:1
5. Exhibits behaviours requiring extra intervention (ex. Violent or Sexual) No Yes
6. The guest’s sleeping habits: 4+ hours/night, No wandering at night Less than 4 hours/night and/or prone to wandering

Please Note: Camp Shalom is unable to provide lifting. Campers must be able to toilet and dress themselves with very minimal assistance.

Campers must not exhibit any violent or inappropriate sexual behavior.

Spec Trek and Spec Sports is intended to be a more challenging program than Special Support. Campers should be very mobile and independent to participate in Spec Trek and Spec Sports.

Each camper will be in a cabin with around 5 other campers and 1 (sometimes 2) counselors. This should give you an idea of what level of attention each camper is able to receive.

Not sure what to pack? Take a look at our packing list sample!