Prayer Ministry Initiated for Countryside Camp and “Camp Shalom”
“Imagine for a moment that God might manifest His presence in your life in a powerful, unusual- even supernatural- way. Suppose He were to stand at your side, waiting to infuse your spirit with a fullness beyond your most cherished dreams or imagination. It would be a moment when God seems more real to you then at any time in your life. He would not be a God who cares one whit about business as usual. Instead, he would invite you to join Him in the most exciting, provocative, creative adventure of your life, promising you that He was ready, willing, and able to carry you into an experience so lofty, so eternally memorable, that you would never be the same. Would you accept His generous offer?
The good news is that what I’ve just described is not a dream. This fresh experience with your heavenly Father can be yours. That’s because God is still God. He is still on the throne. He hasn’t changed, not will He ever change.” Ronnie W. Floyd describes this aspect of ministry in such a great way in his book titled The Power of Prayer and Fasting.
Times come when all Christians need fresh encounters with our loving God. Prayer is just such a fresh encounter I am speaking.
I am so pleased that Kathy Hogeveen and Dick Keunen are coordinating this exciting ministry of Countryside Camp and “Camp Shalom.” If you would like to become a prayer Warrior for the Praises and Petitions of Countryside Camp and “Camp Shalom” please contact and he will pass your information along to Dick and Kathy or signup for online updates here.