The impact of God`s Ministry at Camp Shalom in the 90`s!
I was a Camper back when Calvin VerMulm was the director. Regular camp one summer followed by three years of wilderness camp and one amazing summer as a D.I.D.
I have many happy memories there as a kid but one moment sticks out for me and it really changed my life. Wilderness Camp with Lori and Duane as the leaders. It was our first night at the camp site by the river. I needed some alone time and had left the main camp area to sit by the river. It was dark outside, everyone was getting ready for bed. I started talking to myself and after a bit that turned into talking to God. I asked Him many questions and asked that He guide me on the right path. Then I asked for a sign that He was listening, that He heard me. A fish jumped out of the water and made a splash.
I’m 30 years old now and I still remember that moment. I had never really talked to God before but it was what started me on my path.
Danielle D.
Camp Shalom fun facts and fond memories of the 1990’s
- The ministry of Camp Shalom to individuals with “Special Needs” becomes well known in the region of Waterloo.
- Camp Shalom by direction from the Classis of Ontario becomes Countryside Camp and Conference Centre Association on December 21, 1999.