Daily Highlights (July 15, 2019)
Hey everyone! The staff are super pumped for this week with our Special Support Program and DISC Program running. We’ve been busy these past weeks but we are happy to keep moving forward on this amazing journey. Today we were able to participate in loads of cool activities such as hiking, crafts, pool time and an exciting visit from Solar Sonia with Mad Science. The staff are super excited to see how God will be on the move this week!
Some reminders:
Don’t forget you can Email a Camper throughout the week, emails are printed each day before lunch.
Like our Facebook page for daily posts and photos!
We also have an Instagram account you can check out for more exciting updates!
Finally you can enter your email to the ‘Stay in Touch’ box to receive email updates and look into the Parents Corner!
The staff are looking forward to all the fun things this week entails!
There are no objects in this facebook feed.