Out With The Old & In With The New!

 In Christian Camps in Ontario, Ontario Christian Camp Alumni, Ontario Christian Camp Retreat

Hello everyone, Momma Jo here!

This January brings with it a new year and a new decade! 

Every New Year, I always feel an immense opportunity to reflect and move forward in a lot of areas of life –– both personally and professionally.

I’ve even felt the pull of the New Year at Countryside Camp. Where to begin?

I must admit that my favourite way to greet the new year is to try out new recipes and revamp our menu!

We take the time to choose our favourite menu items for both retreat groups and summer camp very carefully. Hashbrown casserole or chicken souvlaki, anyone? My family and colleagues always serve as the Quality Control Team –– taste-testing new recipes and helping us move forward with menu additions.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at our expanding list of plant-based menu options made from scratch and with love. We’ll also have meal and treats options for our friends with food allergies to gluten, dairy, and eggs.

I truly love being able to meet the dietary needs of everyone who shares a table here at Countryside Camp!

Cheers to the New Year and to what’s coming to our plates!

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